Corporate Social Responsibility:

CEFS and EFFAT (European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism sectors) are engaged in a voluntary process to promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In 2003 the two organisations signed up to a common Code of Conduct,which sets minimum standards in .

The Code of Conduct came into effect on 1 January 2004 and since then has been progressively implemented nationally. In addition, a CSR implementation report is presented at least once every two years, at the end of February.  Collected are regularly updated and serve as an inspiration for companies.

Consult the latest CSR Implementation Reports here.


A long tradition of Social Dialogue: 

Established in 1969, the social dialogue in the sugar industry has brought together CEFS and EFFAT for over 40 years. In 1997, the two organisations signed an agreement defining their working rules. In 1999, the creation of the ‘Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee in the sugar industry’ formalised the official recognition of the social partners in the sugar industry by the European Commission.

Among the recent examples of joint projects developed by the social partners is a For more information on their joint work, visit the social partners’ common website:

For a general overview of CSR and social dialogue in the EU sugar industry, see EFFAT-CEFS joint brochure ‘CSR and the European Sugar Industry’ below (2011; first published in 2004):